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Wednesday, 16 September 2015


We would like to Welcome all of our New Members. This program is design for you to succeed, and it doesn't matter if you haven't had experience with money-making programs. That's because this one is so simple.

Important Announcement - 

ACX System Management has determined that the Variable DSC Rate will be adjusted to 7% beginning September 17 (server time 00:01). We are thrilled with the unprecedented growth ACX experienced over the last 100 days. During this time the ACX Membership more than doubled and ACX Members earned unbelievable Daily Sales Commissions.

We are very excited to see the impact earning 7% a day (42% a week) will have as we continue to participating in F. Mann's revolutionary Ad Pack / Ad Panel Pay System. Be sure to let all your Referrals know the good news of earning 7% a day!

The Simple Recipe ACX Uses is Easy to Follow:

- Just purchase $10 Advertising Packages ($5 Media Packs) that provide guaranteed views to business or personal websites.

- Each Ad or Media Pack pays back 150% in Daily Sales Commissions (DSC) from 2% to 10% a day (a $10 Ad Packs pay back $15 over a specific amount of time).

- To qualify to earn DSC, currently paying 7% per day, members must "VIEW" other ACX Members' business or personal websites on the ACX Traffic Xchange.

- Members can Withdraw their DSC once they have accumulated the "minimum" withdrawal amount of $10 ($5 for the Media System).

That's It! ACX Members Get Paid DSC when they Buy Advertising Packages and View Websites. It's really pretty simple, don't you think?

What Kind of Program is ACX?

It's not an HYIP, but it pays High Daily Sales Commissions... and it doesn't crash like an HYIP.

It's not an MLM, but you get paid big bucks when you Sponsor a New Referral... but recruiting is NOT required like MLM Programs.

It's NOT a Pyramid Scheme, because they are illegal. ACX Members buy Ad Packs that pay back a Daily Sales Commissions when Members provide value by "viewing" other Members' websites and advertising. Definitely NOT an illegal pyramid.

So, what should you call the ACX System when you share it with others?

We suggest you call it a "hybrid pay system" that includes all the BEST and MOST Powerful features of traditional compensation plans and doesn't include all the things people DISLIKE MOST. 

There is NOTHING like the ACX Power 300 Pay Plan in the world!

Everyone Earns Equally at ACX

All Members EARN the exact same DSC Rates. It doesn't matter how much money you have or where you are in the Membership organization. It only depends on the Variable DSC Rate of the Ad Packs you purchased and how many you bought. You will earn that Rate EACH DAY until you have received the maximum of 150%. EVERYONE GETS PAID THE SAME AT ACX!

If you want to make MORE money, just buy MORE Advertising Packages. Or you can recruit New Members and get paid HUGE Referral Commissions. It's up to you to decide how to maximize this Amazing Hybrid Pay System! We'll continue to support you in whatever you decide. 

Always working for your success!

ACX Management Team


P.S. Here are some very important points we think should 
be in every update we write:

1- ACX Support Team is now available 24/7 by clicking on 
the LIVE CHAT feature. Our goal is to provide you with 
help to make your experience at ACX enjoyable and profitable.

2 - All today's requested withdrawals are being worked on.
We will inform you as often as possible of any withdrawal
batches we have completed, as they happen - this will help
you request withdrawals for the smaller payment processors.
You can review these notifications in your Message Center,
under Support News - the link is near the bottom of on the
ACX Dashboard in the Member Area.

3- ClickDraw Winners have been updated recently - see them
all at

4 - ACX Management invites you to take the time to fully 
understand ACX - the following documents are available
in the Member Area under "Popular Pages":

What is ACX?
ACX Simple Recipe
Patented Pay System
Take the ACX Challenge
Better than an HYIP
Better than JustBeenPaid
Manage Your ACX Business
Money Management Guide
Put Your Money to Work

5- Money will NOT make you happy, but Af-x WILL make 
you happier and wealthier! Check it out!

6- If you speak a language in addition to English and would 
like to help other ACX Members, we are always looking Global 
Representatives who will take time to assist members in their 
"first" language. In exchange for help, ACX offers many 
benefits to Global Reps that can add more income and 
opportunities. Read more here:

7- We think the easiest way for All Members to Share ACX 
is by using affiliate websites. These are pages that are 
designed to introduce ACX in a way that people will want 
to join you as a New Members of ACX. Take a look at 
our newest page:

8- Members who want to review past Email Updates, 
please go to:

9- Feel free to give us your suggestions about anything:

10- Don't forget to tell everyone about ACX - there is a huge 
amount of information at the ACX Marketing Site. Plus, 
posting positive comments online will always help too.

11- Don't forget this very important point!

Spend $10, make back $15 in less than three months
Spend $100, make back $150
Spend $1,000, make back $1,500
Spend $10,000, make back $15,000
Spend $100,000, make back $150,000

Get the picture?

1 comment:

  1. Proof of earnings

    DATE: 09/16/2015 02:04
    AMOUNT: 09.60
    BATCH: 102111841
    MEMO : API payment. Ad Clcik Xpress Withdraw 4444055-278647.
    PAYMENT ID: - 276847
    URL :
